62 Twitter Tips in 140 Characters or Less Each

This was originally posted on my marketing/social media blog. However, all of these translate directly to bands and musicians using Twitter I recently wrote an article full of tips for networking for musicians. This led to a few requests for tips on Twitter. Here are my tips, all delivered in 140 characters or less to help get … Read more

Record Labels Accepting Demos

Every week, I like looking at the search terms that bring people to this blog. Sometimes, it helps inspire ideas for new posts. Other times, it’s just to get a pulse on what you’re interested in. Here are the top search terms for the past 30 days: Do you see a trend? Most likely, these … Read more

How to: Band Agreement/Interband Agreement template

I’ve written about the importance if having an interband agreement several times, including in 5 Big Tips That Will Save Your Band’s Tour. However, I thought I should provide a sample of how this should be done. Below is band member agreement that I use in my band. Feel free to change out details that are … Read more

5 Big Tips That Will Save Your Band’s Tour

There’s a lot of great advice out there about how to book a tour but I haven’t found many things about how to survive on tour. Going out on the road can sometimes be a dangerous affair: long hours on the road with little sleep, many late nights, financial risks, etc. 80s band Flock of … Read more

Record Labels That Accept Unsolicited Demos

This week, the top searches leading people to this site mostly had to do with labels that accept unsolicited demos, record companies that take demo submissions, and so on. As I mentioned in a previous article, Unsolicited Music Demos: How to Get in the Door of a Record Label, the reality is that no one is … Read more

How Often Should You Play? 6 Drawbacks to Playing More Shows

In some of my other articles, such as How to Book SXSW, I mention the importance of playing often. However, I need to add a disclaimer: it isn’t just about the quantity of shows plated, it’s also about the quality. While in theory, it sounds good to perform as much as possible because you can gain … Read more

6 Things You Can Do With $100 That Will Change Your Music Career

Money. Let’s face it: most artists aren’t very good with it. Most of us don’t have much to invest into our music career (relatively speaking), and when we do, we tend to throw it at some random opportunities without a larger strategy in mind. Take, for instance, submission fees to music festivals. Each year, thousands of artists … Read more

The Most Underrated Things in a Musician’s Career

A few weeks ago, I posted about The Most overrated Things in a Musician’s Career. Due to some requests, I’ve decided to write about the most underrated things that we often don’t think about or use to the fullest extent. Like my previous article, there are several things that depend some time or commitment. However, unlike … Read more

Band Tips for Flying to Shows

I’ve been spending nearly every weekend this month on a plane, playing gigs, so I haven’t had a chance to finish some of the articles that I’ve been planning to release quite yet. However, I’ve never really found a good set of advice for musicians who travel by air, so I thought I would offer … Read more

Using a Compelling Story to Get a Sponsorship

The Compelling Story is used to get an emotional response from the prospect. This is where you generate excitement or compassion. It’s the history of your organization or how you affect the community. It’s the page-turning biography or tale that you would hear on Paul Harvey’s radio program. It’s the in-depth conversation after the speed … Read more